Wow, just discovered you after you subscribed to my Substack (thanks!🥰). Love this so much! I've been to the Lake District (an aunt and uncle once had a beautiful stone cottage there that I visited with my mother when I was six--now long gone as, sadly, is she and they), but now I would love to go back and discover Cumbria again, following your tips on where to stop and what to eat. Thanks o much!

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Adore this post. Photographs are divine and just on the right side of perfect to compliment your writing which by the way conjures a hankering to follow in your footsteps xx

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Thank you so much. Hope you have a great time in Lancs. The Courtyard Dairy has a good pizza restaurant too

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The prices of that fish! I am so jealous!

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I know. I would be eating fish every night if I lived there

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I always enjoy your substack so much. On your return how about a cooking a regular smorgasbord of food from your travels for your neighbours to enjoy? Sorry I can't find the 'only joking' emoji....

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Super newsletter, Kate. I am going to have to bookmark this so I can (as usual) follow in your footsteps.

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Thanks Kate. Lots of info there! X

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